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Morning Prayer during Lent

MORNING PRAYER This year, during Lent, we will be meeting for Morning Prayer at 8.30am. - 8.50am. (Monday - Thursday) in St. Ippolyts Church. What is Morning Prayer, I hear you ask?!!! Well, it’s the morning!!! Seriously though (if I have to!) the Church of England has a short service called Morning Prayer made up of Bible readings, psalms and prayers which are said every morning often by the Priest alone but, on a good day, with others too! We also pray for our own communities, those who have asked us to pray for them and any important events that are happening around us. During Lent, I’m really hoping that more of us can gather together to pray so perhaps you would consider committing to join me for one or more morning a week? Sometimes we will use the formal Morning Prayer service but sometimes we will have a more casual style of prayer, depending on who is leading the service. Either way, everyone is welcome to join us - no praying experience required!!! We begin on Thursday 27th February - hope to see you there. With love - Ginni
RESOLUTIONS - a thought from Rev Ginni Dear with h...