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Summer Escapades by Revd Ginni

I seem to have packed quite a lot in since last month’s letter in PAX.  A holiday, a birthday and a week-long conference alongside all the usual things that crop up in the Benefice.  It feels a bit like I’ve been in a whirlwind for the last few weeks and have finally been spat out in a heap by the roadside, dusty, slightly dishevelled and wondering what just happened!!!

Every year, my best friend Tracy and I take our disabled mums away for a bit of a break.  We always end up having a lot of fun, mainly at the expense of our mums if I’m honest, but as they keep on agreeing to come with us I can only assume that they are happy to be gluttons for punishment!!  Something about being with my mum brings out the child in me and Tracy and I entertain ourselves by doing the daftest of things.

This years’ escapade saw us take our mums to the beach.  They are both reliant on mobility scooters and tend to head off at full speed, two abreast, chatting endlessly and scattering oncoming pedestrians in their wake.  Tracy and I follow at a more leisurely pace some way behind, relishing the chance of a catch-up and a little relief from our mums who are making the most of having two captive ‘slaves’ at their beck and call!!

Keeping a distant eye on the ‘wheeled wonders’, we noticed that a large pile of sand had been washed up on the promenade.  I can only assume that my mother must have thought she was riding a dune buggy rather than a mobility scooter as she ploughed into it at full speed and looked rather startled to find herself well and truly ‘beached’, wheels spinning helplessly as she sat perched like a giant windmill adorning a sandcastle!

Any good daughter would have rushed to her aid but alas I was never ‘good’!  The sight was just too funny!  Tracy and I found ourselves convulsed with laughter and my mum’s efforts to attract our attention to her plight whilst trying not to yell like a fish wife only added to our hysteria and we laughed until our sides hurt.  We did eventually regain our composure enough to ‘unbeach’ my mum and I think she has just about forgiven me!!  It was a lovely holiday and good to spend some quality time with my mum.

Early June found me at the two-yearly Clergy Conference, something that all full-time clergy are required to attend.  It’s one of those things that we all groan about having to go to but once we get there, find that we thoroughly enjoy.

It was good to catch up with colleagues I haven’t seen for ages and to forge new links across the Diocese and there were workshops and seminars to ensure that our brains were kept busy.  The keynote speakers included Reverend David Wilkinson, Reverend David Runcorn and Reverend Lucy Winkett, all of whom engaged and challenged us in their seminars.  I’ve returned home full of ideas and enthusiasm and now all I have to do is find the time to put them into action!

By the time you read this, the summer holiday season will be about to begin and you’ll get a break from my waffling until September - and our lovely Editor Clare will have a month’s reprieve from the stress of chasing me for a contribution!  I hope you all have a fabulous summer and get to spend some time with those you love and I look forward to boring you with more of my exploits later in the year!

    With love Ginni

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