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St Ippolyts Church Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parishioners' Meeting (to elect the 2 Churchwardens) and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) of the Parish of St Ippolyts will be held in the St Ippolyts Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 7 April and everyone who is on the St Ippolyts Church Electoral Roll is encouraged to attend.  The meeting is the Parish Church’s AGM and there will be a review of 2015 with reports from the Churchwardens, Treasurer, and the School, as well as the election of members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and the appointment of sidesmen and independent financial examiners.  To make the event even more enjoyable, wine, soft drinks and nibbles will be available.

      The Church Electoral Roll has to be confirmed and finalized 15 days before the APCM, so before then please check the Roll, which is in a file at the rear of the Church, to see whether you are registered; if not, complete one of the forms available in that file and hand it to Nicholas Watson, the Electoral Roll Officer, or a Churchwarden.

      We are looking for new members of the PCC: if you are interested in playing a key role in the future of our church, please consider putting yourself forward for election - it is not a particularly onerous task.  This will be a good time to join, as new PCC members and a new vicar should bring fresh ideas for our church.

This week we welcome to our Benefice -
Mrs Andrews receives gift from the "the Friends of...