Link to Hope will this year have been doing their wonderful work for 30 years, but what a year they have just had.  They tell us that despite having their fund-raising events and shops shut down for most of the year, they have still managed to move their HQ to smaller premises in Ferring (still retaining the same telephone number), whilst at the same time sending out over 20,750 shoeboxes to Eastern Europe last Christmas.

They go on to say:

‘We were really blessed when we received all of the shoeboxes to send out at Christmas.  Considering we all spent most of last year shut down we were delighted.  Even more delighted were the people who received them.  People who already live hard lives are living in even harsher conditions as work dries up and costs increase.  So, your shoeboxes, which are usually a source of great excitement, became more than that as toiletries, stationery items, woollen hats, razors and other items came out of them this year.  They became extra special gifts that not only showed love, but were also a practical help in people’s lives.’

That is why, once again as in previous years, we shall be supporting Link to Hope by filling shoeboxes with items for families or elderly folk in Eastern Europe in time for this Christmas.  As last year, the charity is again offering four different ways to support them:

  1. By filling a shoebox in the usual way and returning it to them.
  2. By giving a donation of around £20 they can fill a shoebox for you, put in a card (if you would like one), wrap the box and send you a photograph of the finished box.
  3. By donating money directly to the appeal.
  4. By donating items in bulk (i.e. more than one or two) from the list on their leaflet for them to use in shoeboxes.

If you would like to support the appeal, could you please download and print a leaflet from the Link to Hope website (if you are able) and then choose one of the options above.  Remember, each filled shoebox must be accompanied by its own completed leaflet.  Should you not be able to download a leaflet, we have some available (or we could email one to you if you prefer).  We also have our usual supply of empty shoeboxes so,

if you need leaflets or shoeboxes, let us know and we will get some to you.

All filled boxes have to be returned to the charity before Friday 5th November.  Christine and I will be filling some boxes ourselves as usual and will be aiming to take them to the area organiser at the beginning of that week.  (i.e. around Monday 1st November).  If you decide to fill a box and would like us to take it for you, please could you get it to us (or let us know) well before that date.  Thank you.  (Our telephone number is 01462-459145.  Please contact us if you need any further help or information).

Your response in previous years has always been amazing.  Please support us once again in these difficult times if you possibly can.  It really does make a huge difference.

                                                                                                                                                Arthur Sibun