Reflections Blog

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Link of Hope

LINK TO HOPE Here is an extract from a letter which I received recently from Link to Hope: “Fortunately through the amazing support of yourselves we managed to continue to support all of our projects at the same financial level and even found funds for new projects such as food parcel deliveries and birth certificates, etc. We also managed to send out nearly 25,000 Family and Elderly Shoeboxes to Eastern Europe. Although we were not able to send a UK team out again last year the project managers have started to get more confident with a camera and have sent back some really good photos. Unfortunately due to COVID escalating, many boxes had to be given to people outside and we weren’t able to gather their stories in order to write the Delivery Diary. We are absolutely determined to get out there this year, so in the meantime we have assembled some of the best photos which are now on display on the notice board in St. Ippolyts Church porch.” Thank you very much to everyone who filled or contributed to a shoe box. Your continued support is much appreciated. Arthur Sibun
Community Lunches
MUSICAL MEDITATION IN LENT - by the Jubilate Choir...