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TRUST, FAITH AND PATIENCE. A Thought from Paul Harding


I hope by the time everyone reads the May edition of Pax spring will really have arrived and we can put behind us the long torrid winter that we have suffered.  I sit writing this whilst Ginni is on her Easter break in Cornwall and I am tempted to choose Noah and his Ark as my theme but through the rain and gloom I do see glimmers of new growth appearing, so as tempted as I am, as always, towards boats I will resist and focus on the wonder of the new growth of spring.

As we scatter our seeds and hope for a good harvest in the months to come from our gardens, I am reminded of the parable of the sower in chapter 4 of Mark’s Gospel.  This seems to me to speak to us of what we are trying to do within our churches.  In St. Ippolyts with the increasing development of the links with the school children;  in the activities in the church and chapel in Little Wymondley;  in Great Wymondley as we seek new ways to welcome people into our church family through the work we are doing to repair, repaint and brighten the interior and through the physical flexibility we hope to create so enabling us to offer wider activities.

The parable teaches us about patience and trust, having sowed the seed, you have to rely on the soil, sun and water to help produce results.  Just as in the parable some of the seeds we sow will fall on rocky ground, others amongst thorns but with trust, patience and faith we can be rewarded with a rich harvest within our gardens as well as within our churches and communities.

Our family has endured much over the past year and we have experienced the gradual rewards of trust, faith and patience as Jackie recovers, as well as new growth with a lively grandson.  This was all made possible by the nurturing of family, friends, church and community that are the essence of the teaching in this parable.  All of which we thank God for and are forever grateful.

Little Wymondley parish has been studying the parables in their Lent group at Pat Fry’s house.  Whilst we are talking of Mark’s Gospel another opportunity where seeds of potential growth will be sown will be over the next few weeks on Monday evenings at The Croft in Great Wymondley.  We will be exploring the meaning of life through a greater understanding of Mark’s Gospel in our “Christianity Explored” study group led by Doug Richardson.

The seeds are planted in our hearts and are nurtured into life.  As with all things when we tackle the challenges in our gardens, in our lives and in our churches, we must trust God to make it happen.

               Best wishes for springtime - Paul Harding

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