It seems odd but this ninth month of the year always seems like a good time to make a new beginning, a fresh start, almost like a new year. It probably dates back to the time when harvests had been gathered in by now and the work had been done which would hopefully keep folk alive throughout the coming winter. And to the history of the school year always starting in September.It's also a time when we look forward to the beginning of spring as we plant those lovely daffodils.

Each new year brings with it hopes and dreams, promises and resolutions. Thie time last year I had finished my Sabbatical and had resolved not to work so hard! Well, we all break resolutions! All of us that is, except God. For God promises to be with us, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of plenty and in times of need, at the beginning of each year and at each harvest.

What hopes and dreams, promises and resolutions will you be making this year?

Happy autumnal beginnings and harvests - Reverend Ann