Every six years there has to be a revision of the church electoral roll.  It was last done in 2013.  All the churches in the benefice will have to revise their rolls.

Every person already on it as well as anyone who is not already on and would like to be needs to fill in an electoral roll application form from the church that they attend.  This has to be done before the closure of the electoral roll revision which takes place between 15 - 28 days before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

There is also an Ethnic Monitoring Form for the diocese to be completed.

Please see in your church when that is and when you need to have handed in your application form by.  There will be notices about all of this as well as the application forms inside St. Ippolyts Church and in the porches of both Little and Great Wymondley Churches.  There will also be notices about the APCM’s and about who can be on the Electoral Roll.