Reflections Blog

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Does Christmas really come earlier every year? I know that sometimes it seems as if it does, and the sight of me going around the benefice with piles of empty shoeboxes at the end of August probably did little to dispel this notion. However, this year (as I am sure the eagle eyed amongst you will have already spotted on their new leaflet) Link to Hope need to have all of our boxes by Tuesday 6th November. This means that in order for us to get them there, you MUST return your completed boxes back to church (or direct to Christine and Arthur Sibun if you prefer) on (or before) Sunday 4th November. So, there is still plenty of time to do one if you haven’t started already. Thank you to all of you who have expressed interest, provided goodies, or taken boxes and leaflets already. As I mentioned in last month’s PAX magazine, we have already been given a number of items which will be available free of charge for use in the boxes and we are aiming to have them available at most of the 9.15am. services at St. Ippolyts. (Or alternatively call Christine and Arthur on 01462-459145 if you need more information). Once your box is full, wrap it up as explained in the leaflet. Then, once you have filled in the contents list, open the leaflet flat (and with the contents list uppermost) stick it to the top of your box with Sellotape along the three edges marked in yellow. Close the back page of the leaflet (so that the gift aid form is uppermost) and stick that with tape at the top and bottom as shown. Fill it in (if applicable) and attach your £2 donation towards transport by sticking it with tape in the space provided. Your box is now complete and ready to go - to either a family or to an elderly person, whichever you have chosen. So just bring it back to church before the deadline and we will do the rest. Thank you. Arthur Sibun