I am sorry to say that the Bears and Prayers Toddler Service will no longer be running at St. Ippolyts Church.  Despite attempting various days and times, we failed to attract new people and with some of our existing members moving on to nursery, there were only a couple of little people left.

However, following the success of our ‘Light Party’ in October, I intend to start a new half-termly event for the young people of our parishes which I hope will start just before Easter.

The vision is that we will meet after school between 4.30pm. and 6.00pm. and enjoy stories, games and crafts and have a short act of worship before sharing tea together.  It will be open to anyone of primary school age or under and we will even let them bring their grown-up’s with them too!!

Please keep an eye out for more details in next month’s PAX but feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.